Super's Blog

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Wednesday, March 26, 2008


There's nothing like a disney movie to get your spirits and hopes up.

I just watched Enchanted on video. It was bordering on cheesy but didnt cross the line. The last time i saw a movie where people broke into song was .. a long time ago. It was nice. I have a feeling that watching all those disney flicks is the reason why im still hoping for that one person who would make me want to sing and she'd sing right back.

I would sometimes wish that life was more simple for me but if it was, i'd probably look for something to make it more fun and indirectly, complex. I was never really one for routines.

Kudos to Disney Studios for entertaining me and to the one who would finish my song, i hope i'd find out who you are and sing with you soon.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Building a studio

Im currently in the process of overseeing the construction of the new KDA home dojo/studio. Of course, we will have karate classes there but we will also have other stuff like ballet, jazz and maybe kalimasada or arnis.

The things i realized are the following:

1) Like stuff in life, things dont always go as planned. Our locker room doors look great as designed by the architect but, as Sir Marty pointed out, not very practical. We had to move it because if we didnt, people will get a clear view of the inside of the girls locker room each time the door opens.

2) Things always look easy on paper. The leg work for all the things around the construction is enormous. I have two other blackbelts helping but im still feeling a little fatigued with all the work. I guess that being near the dojo is not always an advantage. Sometimes, i just cant ask other people to do certain things because it would be faster if i do it myself.

3) Construction is just the beginning!!! I have to figure out what other classes to teach in the studio and who will teach it! Paging all dance or fitness instructors!!! Paramdam kayo please!

4) Marketing in business is VERY important... help! What do i know about marketing?!?

Anyway, i hope things work out well for the studio. It helps that it is located in Shopwise cubao so it is accessible to everybody... specially to me. I estimate that the dojo is 240 steps away from me. I'll count soon.